🖐️ Hello, I am

Elizabeth Lavender

Front-end developer based in United Kingdom

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Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show

Yorghut project preview

World Clock Project

Ever wanted to know what time it is in Timbuktu or Timbuk-three? Say hello to my Wacky World Clock! Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a nifty timestamp API, I crafted this global timekeeper. It's like having a mini time machine on your screen (minus the DeLorean). Whether you're planning a meeting with someone in Tokyo or just curious if it's too late for a pizza in New York, this clock's got you covered. Spoiler: It's never too late for pizza. Check it out and marvel at my clock-making prowess. Time travel jokes included, free of charge!

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Dictionary App

Far Far away, behind the mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there lived the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the cost of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by.

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Weather project preview
Dictionary App preview

The AI Project

Ever wanted an AI that spouts random nonsense? Meet my fake AI generator! Coded with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some API magic, it dishes out life advice like "Always bring a towel" and "Don't trust the broccoli." It won't solve world peace, but it'll definitely make you laugh. Check it out and enjoy some techy giggles!

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